LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - force - force_a8.F90 (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: FLEUR test coverage Lines: 87 105 82.9 %
Date: 2024-04-20 04:28:04 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : MODULE m_forcea8
       2             : CONTAINS
       3          29 :    SUBROUTINE force_a8(input,atoms,sym,sphhar,jsp,vr,rho,force,fmpi,results)
       4             :       !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
       5             :       ! Pulay 1st term force contribution à la Rici et al. 
       6             :       ! 
       7             :       ! Equation A8, Phys. Rev. B 43, 6411
       8             :       !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
       9             :       USE m_intgr, ONLY : intgr3
      10             :       USE m_constants
      11             :       USE m_gaunt, ONLY :gaunt1
      12             :       USE m_differentiate,ONLY: difcub
      13             :       USE m_types
      14             :       USE m_juDFT
      15             : 
      16             :       IMPLICIT NONE
      17             : 
      18             :       TYPE(t_input),   INTENT(IN)    :: input
      19             :       TYPE(t_atoms),   INTENT(IN)    :: atoms
      20             :       TYPE(t_sym),     INTENT(IN)    :: sym
      21             :       TYPE(t_sphhar),  INTENT(IN)    :: sphhar
      22             :       TYPE(t_force),   INTENT(IN)    :: force
      23             :       TYPE(t_mpi),     INTENT(IN)    :: fmpi
      24             :       TYPE(t_results), INTENT(INOUT) :: results
      25             : 
      26             :       INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: jsp 
      27             : 
      28             :       REAL, INTENT(IN)    :: vr(atoms%jmtd,0:sphhar%nlhd,atoms%ntype)
      29             :       REAL, INTENT(IN)    :: rho(:,0:,:,:)!(atoms%jmtd,0:sphhar%nlhd,atoms%ntype,input%jspins)
      30             : 
      31             :       ! Local scalars
      32             :       COMPLEX, PARAMETER :: czero=CMPLX(0.0,0.0)
      33             :       COMPLEX aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, fff
      34             :       REAL    a8_1, a8_2, qval, rr, truerho, truev, xi
      35             :       INTEGER i, ir, j, l, l1, l2, lh1, lh2, m1, m2, mem1, mem2, n, nd, na, m
      36             : 
      37             :       ! Local arrays
      38             :       COMPLEX forc_a8(3), gv(3), f_sum(3)
      39          29 :       REAL    rhoaux(atoms%jmtd), rhodif(atoms%jmtd)
      40             : 
      41             :       ! Statement functions
      42             :       REAL    alpha, beta, delta, epslon, gamma, phi 
      43             :       INTEGER krondel
      44             : 
      45             :       ! Kronecker delta for arguments >=0 AND <0
      46             :       krondel(i,j) = MIN(ABS(i)+1,ABS(j)+1)/MAX(ABS(i)+1,ABS(j)+1)* (1+SIGN(1,i)*SIGN(1,j))/2
      47             :       alpha(l,m) = (l+1)*0.5e0*SQRT(REAL((l-m)* (l-m-1))/ REAL((2*l-1)* (2*l+1)))
      48             :       beta(l,m) = l*0.5e0*SQRT(REAL((l+m+2)* (l+m+1))/ REAL((2*l+1)* (2*l+3)))
      49             :       GAMMA(l,m) = (l+1)*0.5e0*SQRT(REAL((l+m)* (l+m-1))/ REAL((2*l-1)* (2*l+1)))
      50             :       delta(l,m) = l*0.5e0*SQRT(REAL((l-m+2)* (l-m+1))/ REAL((2*l+1)* (2*l+3)))
      51             :       epslon(l,m) = (l+1)*SQRT(REAL((l-m)* (l+m))/ REAL((2*l-1)* (2*l+1)))
      52             :       phi(l,m) = l*SQRT(REAL((l-m+1)* (l+m+1))/REAL((2*l+1)* (2*l+3)))
      53             : 
      54          29 :       CALL timestart("force_a8")
      55             : 
      56          29 :       WRITE  (oUnit,*)
      57             :  
      58          89 :       DO n = 1, atoms%ntype
      59          60 :          na = atoms%firstAtom(n)
      60          89 :          IF (atoms%l_geo(n)) THEN
      61          60 :             nd = sym%ntypsy(na)
      62             : 
      63         240 :             DO i = 1,3
      64         240 :                forc_a8(i) = czero
      65             :             END DO
      66             : 
      67             :             ! TODO: There is no output for this. Do we want some?
      68             : 
      69          60 :             CALL intgr3(rho(:,0,n,jsp),atoms%rmsh(:,n),atoms%dx(n),atoms%jri(n),qval)
      70             : 
      71             :             ! Check if the l=0 density is correct.
      72             :             ! Note that in general also all l>0 components of the density have
      73             :             ! been multiplied by r**2 (see for example checkdop which constructs
      74             :             ! the true MT-density at rmt).
      75             :             ! The factor sqrt(4*pi) comes from Y_00*\int d\Omega = 1/sqrt(4*pi)*4*pi
      76             : 8000        FORMAT (' FORCE_A8: valence charge=',1p,e16.8)
      77             : 
      78             :             ! PART I of FORCE_A8
      79        1726 :             DO lh1 = 0, sphhar%nlh(nd)
      80        1666 :                l1 = sphhar%llh(lh1,nd)
      81       68780 :                DO lh2 = 0, sphhar%nlh(nd)
      82       67054 :                   l2 = sphhar%llh(lh2,nd)
      83             : 
      84      268216 :                   DO i = 1, 3
      85      268216 :                      gv(i) = czero
      86             :                   END DO
      87             : 
      88             :                   ! Sum over all m for a particular lattice harmonic.
      89      194876 :                   DO mem1 = 1, sphhar%nmem(lh1,nd)
      90      127822 :                      m1 = sphhar%mlh(mem1,lh1,nd)
      91      450218 :                      DO mem2 = 1, sphhar%nmem(lh2,nd)
      92      255342 :                         m2 = sphhar%mlh(mem2,lh2,nd)
      93             :                         gv(1) = gv(1) + SQRT(2.e0*pi_const/3.e0) * &
      94             :                               sphhar%clnu(mem1,lh1,nd)*sphhar%clnu(mem2,lh2,nd)*&
      95             :                               (gaunt1(1,l1,l2,-1,m1,m2,atoms%lmaxd) - &
      96      255342 :                                gaunt1(1,l1,l2,1,m1,m2,atoms%lmaxd))
      97             :                         gv(2) = gv(2) - ImagUnit*SQRT(2.e0*pi_const/3.e0) * &
      98             :                               sphhar%clnu(mem1,lh1,nd)*sphhar%clnu(mem2,lh2,nd)*&
      99             :                               (gaunt1(1,l1,l2,-1,m1,m2,atoms%lmaxd) + &
     100      255342 :                                gaunt1(1,l1,l2,1,m1,m2,atoms%lmaxd))
     101             :                         gv(3) = gv(3) + SQRT(4.e0*pi_const/3.e0) * &
     102             :                               sphhar%clnu(mem1,lh1,nd)*sphhar%clnu(mem2,lh2,nd)*&
     103      383164 :                               gaunt1(1,l1,l2,0,m1,m2,atoms%lmaxd)
     104             :                      END DO
     105             :                   END DO
     106             : 
     107             :                   ! Note that in general also all l>0 components of the density
     108             :                   ! have been multiplied by r**2.
     109             :                   ! Here we need the true radial denisity for performing the
     110             :                   ! derivative. Rherefore we divide by r**2.
     111    29326232 :                   DO ir = 1, atoms%jri(n)
     112    29326232 :                      rhoaux(ir) = rho(ir,lh2,n,jsp)/ (atoms%rmsh(ir,n)**2)
     113             :                   END DO
     114             : 
     115             :                   ! NOTE: Here we should have: vr  = vtrue
     116             :                   ! difcub performs the analytic derivative of Lagrangian of 3rd order
     117       67054 :                   xi = atoms%rmsh(1,n)
     118       67054 :                   rr = xi*xi
     119       67054 :                   rhodif(1) = difcub(atoms%rmsh(1,n),rhoaux(1),xi)*vr(1,lh1,n)*rr
     120    29125070 :                   DO ir = 2, atoms%jri(n) - 2
     121    29058016 :                      xi = atoms%rmsh(ir,n)
     122    29058016 :                      rr = xi*xi
     123    29125070 :                      rhodif(ir) = difcub(atoms%rmsh(ir-1,n),rhoaux(ir-1),xi)*vr(ir,lh1,n)*rr
     124             :                   END DO
     125             : 
     126       67054 :                   xi = atoms%rmsh(atoms%jri(n)-1,n)
     127       67054 :                   rr = xi*xi
     128             :                   rhodif(atoms%jri(n)-1) = difcub(atoms%rmsh(atoms%jri(n)-3,n), &
     129             :                                                    rhoaux(atoms%jri(n)-3),xi) * &
     130       67054 :                                                    vr(atoms%jri(n)-1,lh1,n)*rr
     131             : 
     132       67054 :                   xi = atoms%rmsh(atoms%jri(n),n)
     133       67054 :                   rr = xi*xi
     134             :                   rhodif(atoms%jri(n)) = difcub(atoms%rmsh(atoms%jri(n)-3,n), &
     135             :                                                  rhoaux(atoms%jri(n)-3),xi) * &
     136       67054 :                                                  vr(atoms%jri(n),lh1,n)*rr
     137             : 
     138             :                   ! NOTE: vr(l=0) is EXPLICITELY multiplied by r/sqrt(4pi) to be
     139             :                   ! the TRUE r*V which is needed for the radial Schrödinger eq.
     140             :                   ! Here, we need the l=0 component, v_{l=0}(r) which will be
     141             :                   ! multiplied by Y_00 in the lm expansion; therefore we MUST
     142             :                   ! recorrect vr(l=0) by the inverse factor sqrt(4pi)/r. We do
     143             :                   ! the correction for the product array rhodif.
     144       67054 :                   IF (lh1.EQ.0) THEN
     145      683288 :                      DO ir = 1,atoms%jri(n)
     146      683288 :                         rhodif(ir) = rhodif(ir)/atoms%rmsh(ir,n)*sfp_const
     147             :                      END DO
     148             :                   END IF
     149             : 
     150       67054 :                   CALL intgr3(rhodif,atoms%rmsh(1,n),atoms%dx(n),atoms%jri(n),a8_1)
     151             : 
     152      269882 :                   DO i = 1,3
     153      268216 :                      forc_a8(i) = forc_a8(i) + a8_1*gv(i)
     154             :                   END DO
     155             : 
     156             :                END DO !lh2 (0:sphhar%nlh(nd))
     157             :             END DO ! lh1 (0:sphhar%nlh(nd))
     158             : 
     159             :             ! PART II of FORCE_A8
     160        1726 :             DO lh1 = 0, sphhar%nlh(nd)
     161        1666 :                l1 = sphhar%llh(lh1,nd)
     162       68780 :                DO lh2 = 0, sphhar%nlh(nd)
     163       67054 :                   l2 = sphhar%llh(lh2,nd)
     164    29326232 :                   DO ir = 1, atoms%jri(n)
     165    29259178 :                      truev = vr(ir,lh1,n)
     166    29259178 :                      truerho = rho(ir,lh2,n,jsp)/ (atoms%rmsh(ir,n)**2)
     167    29326232 :                      rhoaux(ir) = truev*truerho*atoms%rmsh(ir,n)
     168             :                   END DO
     169             : 
     170       67054 :                   IF (lh1.EQ.0) THEN
     171      683288 :                      DO ir = 1,atoms%jri(n)
     172      683288 :                         rhoaux(ir) = rhoaux(ir)/atoms%rmsh(ir,n)*sfp_const
     173             :                      END DO
     174             :                   END IF
     175             : 
     176       67054 :                   CALL intgr3(rhoaux,atoms%rmsh(1,n),atoms%dx(n),atoms%jri(n),a8_2)
     177             : 
     178      268216 :                   DO i = 1, 3
     179      268216 :                      gv(i) = (0.0,0.0)
     180             :                   END DO
     181             : 
     182             :                   ! Sum over all m for a particular lattice harmonic.
     183      194876 :                   DO mem1 = 1, sphhar%nmem(lh1,nd)
     184      127822 :                      m1 = sphhar%mlh(mem1,lh1,nd)
     185      450218 :                      DO mem2 = 1, sphhar%nmem(lh2,nd)
     186      255342 :                         m2 = sphhar%mlh(mem2,lh2,nd)
     187             : 
     188             :                         ! NOTE: delta(-m,m')(-1)^m was applied because we have the integrand
     189             :                         ! Y nabla Y instead of Y* nabla Y.
     190             :                         ! We also know that  Y*(lm) = (-1)^m Y(l,-m)
     191             :                         !                and  Y(lm) = (-1)^m Y*(l,-m).
     192             :                         ! Therefore  (-1)^m delta(-m,m') appears.
     193             : 
     194             :                         aaa = alpha(l2,m2)*sphhar%clnu(mem1,lh1,nd) * &
     195             :                                            sphhar%clnu(mem2,lh2,nd) * &
     196             :                                            (-1)**m1*krondel(l1,l2-1)* &
     197      255342 :                                                     krondel(-m1,m2+1)
     198             :                         bbb = beta(l2,m2)*sphhar%clnu(mem1,lh1,nd) *  &
     199             :                                           sphhar%clnu(mem2,lh2,nd) *  &
     200             :                                           (-1)**m1*krondel(l1,l2+1)*  &
     201      255342 :                                                    krondel(-m1,m2+1)
     202             :                         ccc = GAMMA(l2,m2)*sphhar%clnu(mem1,lh1,nd) * &
     203             :                                            sphhar%clnu(mem2,lh2,nd) * &
     204             :                                            (-1)**m1*krondel(l1,l2-1)* &
     205      255342 :                                                     krondel(-m1,m2-1)
     206             :                         ddd = delta(l2,m2)*sphhar%clnu(mem1,lh1,nd) * &
     207             :                                            sphhar%clnu(mem2,lh2,nd) * &
     208             :                                            (-1)**m1*krondel(l1,l2+1)* &
     209      255342 :                                                     krondel(-m1,m2-1)
     210             :                         eee = epslon(l2,m2)*sphhar%clnu(mem1,lh1,nd)* &
     211             :                                             sphhar%clnu(mem2,lh2,nd)* &
     212             :                                             (-1)**m1*krondel(l1,l2-1)*&
     213      255342 :                                                      krondel(-m1,m2)
     214             :                         fff = phi(l2,m2)*sphhar%clnu(mem1,lh1,nd) *   &
     215             :                                          sphhar%clnu(mem2,lh2,nd) *   &
     216             :                                          (-1)**m1*krondel(l1,l2+1)*   &
     217      255342 :                                                   krondel(-m1,m2)
     218             : 
     219      255342 :                         gv(1) = gv(1) + aaa + bbb - ccc - ddd
     220      255342 :                         gv(2) = gv(2) - ImagUnit* (aaa+bbb+ccc+ddd)
     221      383164 :                         gv(3) = gv(3) + eee - fff
     222             :                      END DO
     223             :                   END DO
     224             : 
     225      336936 :                   DO i = 1, 3
     226      268216 :                      forc_a8(i) = forc_a8(i) + a8_2*gv(i)
     227             :                   END DO
     228             : 
     229             :                END DO ! lh2 (0:sphhar%nlh(nd))
     230             :             END DO ! lh1 (0:sphhar%nlh(nd))
     231             : 
     232             :             ! Add onto existing forces.
     233             : 
     234         240 :             DO i = 1, 3
     235         240 :                results%force(i,n,jsp) = results%force(i,n,jsp) + REAL(forc_a8(i))
     236             :             END DO
     237             : 
     238             :             ! Write out result.
     239          60 :             WRITE (oUnit,FMT=8010) n
     240          60 :             WRITE (oUnit,FMT=8020) (forc_a8(i),i=1,3)
     241             : 8010        FORMAT (' FORCES: EQUATION A8 FOR ATOM TYPE',i4)
     242             : 8020        FORMAT (' FX_A8=',2f10.6,' FY_A8=',2f10.6,' FZ_A8=',2f10.6)
     243             : 
     244             :          END IF
     245             :       END DO
     246             : 
     247             :       ! Write out the result of a12, a21, b4 and b8
     248             :       ! here as well.
     249             : 
     250          29 :       IF (.NOT.input%l_useapw) THEN
     251             : 
     252          29 :          WRITE  (oUnit,*)
     253             :         
     254          29 :          IF (fmpi%isize.EQ.1) THEN
     255           0 :             DO n=1, atoms%ntype
     256           0 :                IF (atoms%l_geo(n)) THEN
     257           0 :                   WRITE  (oUnit,FMT=8030) n
     258           0 :                   WRITE  (oUnit,FMT=8040) (force%f_a12(i,n),i=1,3)
     259             :                END IF
     260             : 8030           FORMAT (' FORCES: EQUATION A12 FOR ATOM TYPE',i4)
     261             : 8040           FORMAT (' FX_A12=',2f10.6,' FY_A12=',2f10.6,' FZ_A12=',2f10.6)
     262             :             END DO
     263             :          ELSE
     264          29 :             WRITE (oUnit,*) "If this was a serial calculation, the A12 force component would be written out here. In parallel it holds no meaning."
     265             :          END IF
     266             :       ELSE
     267             : 
     268           0 :          WRITE  (oUnit,*)
     269             : 
     270           0 :          DO n=1, atoms%ntype
     271           0 :             IF (atoms%l_geo(n)) THEN
     272           0 :                WRITE  (oUnit,FMT=8070) n
     273           0 :                WRITE  (oUnit,FMT=8080) (force%f_b4(i,n),i=1,3)
     274             :             END IF
     275             : 8070        FORMAT (' FORCES: EQUATION B4 FOR ATOM TYPE',i4)
     276             : 8080        FORMAT (' FX_B4=',2f10.6,' FY_B4=',2f10.6,' FZ_B4=',2f10.6)
     277             :          END DO
     278             : 
     279           0 :          WRITE  (oUnit,*)
     280             : 
     281           0 :          DO n=1,atoms%ntype
     282           0 :             IF (atoms%l_geo(n)) THEN
     283           0 :                WRITE  (oUnit,FMT=8090) n
     284           0 :                WRITE  (oUnit,FMT=8100) (force%f_b8(i,n),i=1,3)
     285             :             END IF
     286             : 8090        FORMAT (' FORCES: EQUATION B8 FOR ATOM TYPE',i4)
     287             : 8100        FORMAT (' FX_B8=',2f10.6,' FY_B8=',2f10.6,' FZ_B8=',2f10.6)
     288             :          END DO
     289             :       END IF
     290             : 
     291          29 :       WRITE  (oUnit,*)
     292             : 
     293          29 :       IF (fmpi%isize.EQ.1) THEN
     294           0 :          DO n=1,atoms%ntype
     295           0 :             IF (atoms%l_geo(n)) THEN
     296           0 :                WRITE  (oUnit,FMT=8050) n
     297           0 :                WRITE  (oUnit,FMT=8060) (force%f_a21(i,n),i=1,3)
     298             :             END IF
     299             : 8050        FORMAT (' FORCES: EQUATION A21 FOR ATOM TYPE',i4)
     300             : 8060        FORMAT (' FX_A21=',2f10.6,' FY_A21=',2f10.6,' FZ_A21=',2f10.6)
     301             :          END DO
     302             :       ELSE
     303          29 :          WRITE (oUnit,*) "If this was a serial calculation, the A21 force component would be written out here. In parallel it holds no meaning."
     304             :       END IF
     305             : 
     306             : 
     307          29 :       CALL timestop("force_a8")
     308             : 
     309          29 :    END SUBROUTINE force_a8
     310             : END MODULE m_forcea8

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