LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - main - fleur.F90 (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: FLEUR test coverage Lines: 225 280 80.4 %
Date: 2024-04-16 04:21:52 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2             : ! Copyright (c) 2016 Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
       3             : ! This file is part of FLEUR and available as free software under the conditions
       4             : ! of the MIT license as expressed in the LICENSE file in more detail.
       5             : !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       6             : MODULE m_fleur
       7             :    !! Legacy comment from before reformatting:
       8             :    !!
       9             :    !! Based on flapw7 (c.l.fu, m.weinert, e.wimmer):
      10             :    !! full potential linearized augmented plane wave method for thin
      11             :    !! films and superlattices (version 7 ---- general symmetry)
      12             :    !! symmetry part       ---  e.wimmer
      13             :    !! potential generator ---  c.l.fu,r.podloucky
      14             :    !! matrix elements     ---  m.weinert
      15             :    !! charge density      ---  c.l.fu
      16             :    !!                          c.l.fu        1987
      17             :    !!
      18             :    !! 2nd variation diagon.  --- r.-q. wu      1992
      19             :    !! forces a la Yu et al   --- r.podloucky   1995
      20             :    !! full relativistic core --- a.shick       1996
      21             :    !! broyden mixing         --- r.pentcheva   1996
      22             :    !! gga (pw91, pbe)        --- t.asada       1997
      23             :    !! local orbitals         --- p.kurz        1997
      24             :    !! automatic symmetry     --- w.hofer       1997
      25             :    !! core tails & start     --- r.abt         1998
      26             :    !! spin orbit coupling    --- a.shick,x.nie 1998
      27             :    !! non-colinear magnet.   --- p.kurz        1999
      28             :    !! one-dimensional        --- y.mokrousov   2002
      29             :    !! exchange parameters    --- m.lezaic      2004
      30             :    !!                            g.bihlmayer, s.bluegel 1999
      31             : 
      32             :    IMPLICIT NONE
      33             : CONTAINS
      34         160 :    SUBROUTINE fleur_execute(fmpi, fi, sphhar, stars, nococonv, forcetheo, enpara, results, &
      35             :                             xcpot, wann, hybdat, mpdata)
      36             :       !! This routine is the main program of the FLEUR code.
      37             : 
      38             :       USE m_types
      39             :       USE m_types_forcetheo_extended
      40             :       USE m_constants
      41             :       USE m_optional
      42             :       USE m_cdn_io
      43             :       USE m_mixing_history
      44             :       USE m_qfix
      45             :       USE m_vgen
      46             :       USE m_vgen_coulomb
      47             :       USE m_writexcstuff
      48             :       USE m_eigen
      49             :       USE m_eigenso
      50             :       USE m_fermie
      51             :       USE m_cdngen
      52             :       USE m_totale
      53             :       USE m_potdis
      54             :       USE m_mix
      55             :       USE m_xmlOutput
      56             :       USE m_juDFT_time
      57             :       USE m_calc_hybrid
      58             :       USE m_rdmft
      59             :       USE m_io_hybrid
      60             :       USE m_wann_optional
      61             :       USE m_wannier
      62             :       USE m_bs_comfort
      63             :       USE m_dwigner
      64             :       USE m_ylm
      65             :       USE m_metagga
      66             :       USE m_plot
      67             :       USE m_usetup
      68             :       USE m_hubbard1_setup
      69             :       USE m_writeCFOutput
      70             :       USE m_mpi_bc_tool
      71             :       USE m_eig66_io
      72             :       USE m_chase_diag
      73             :       USE m_writeBasis
      74             :       USE m_RelaxSpinAxisMagn
      75             :       USE m_dfpt
      76             :  
      77             : 
      78             : !$    USE omp_lib
      79             : 
      80             :       TYPE(t_mpi),        INTENT(INOUT) :: fmpi
      81             :       TYPE(t_fleurinput), INTENT(IN)    :: fi
      82             :       CLASS(t_xcpot),     INTENT(IN)    :: xcpot
      83             :       TYPE(t_sphhar),     INTENT(IN)    :: sphhar
      84             :       TYPE(t_stars),      INTENT(IN)    :: stars
      85             :       TYPE(t_nococonv),   INTENT(INOUT) :: nococonv
      86             :       TYPE(t_results),    INTENT(INOUT) :: results
      87             :       TYPE(t_wann),       INTENT(INOUT) :: wann
      88             : 
      89             :       CLASS(t_forcetheo), INTENT(INOUT) :: forcetheo
      90             :       TYPE(t_enpara),     INTENT(INOUT) :: enpara
      91             :       TYPE(t_hybdat),     INTENT(INOUT) :: hybdat
      92             :       TYPE(t_mpdata),     INTENT(INOUT) :: mpdata
      93             : 
      94             :       ! TODO: This is just fi%input with neig=2*neig and should be refactored out.
      95             :       TYPE(t_input) :: input_soc
      96             : 
      97         480 :       TYPE(t_field)    :: field2
      98         320 :       TYPE(t_potden)   :: vTot, vx, vCoul, vxc, exc
      99         160 :       TYPE(t_potden)   :: inDen, outDen, EnergyDen, sliceDen
     100         160 :       TYPE(t_hub1data) :: hub1data
     101             : 
     102         160 :       TYPE(t_greensf), ALLOCATABLE :: greensFunction(:)
     103         160 :       TYPE(t_log_message)  :: log
     104             : 
     105             :       INTEGER :: eig_id, archiveType, num_threads
     106             :       INTEGER :: iter, iterHF, i, n, i_gf
     107             :       INTEGER :: wannierspin
     108             :       LOGICAL :: l_opti, l_cont, l_qfix, l_real, l_olap, l_error, l_dummy
     109             :       LOGICAL :: l_forceTheorem, l_lastIter, l_exist
     110             :       REAL    :: fix, sfscale, rdummy, tempDistance
     111             :       REAL    :: mmpmatDistancePrev, occDistancePrev
     112             :       INTEGER :: tempI, tempK, tempJSP
     113             : 
     114             : #ifdef CPP_MPI
     115             :       INTEGER :: ierr
     116             : #endif
     117             : 
     118             :       ! Check, whether we already have a suitable density file and if not,
     119             :       ! generate a starting density.
     120             :       CALL optional(fmpi, fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, stars, fi%input, &
     121         160 :                     fi%sym, fi%cell, fi%sliceplot, xcpot, fi%noco)
     122             : 
     123         154 :       IF (fi%input%l_wann .AND. (fmpi%irank == 0) .AND. (.NOT. wann%l_bs_comf)) THEN
     124             :          ! TODO: If this warning is commented out, can it be erased?
     125             :          !IF(fmpi%isize.NE.1) CALL juDFT_error('No Wannier+MPI at the moment',calledby = 'fleur')
     126           2 :          CALL wann_optional(fmpi, fi%input, fi%kpts, fi%atoms, fi%sym, fi%cell,   fi%noco, wann)
     127             :       END IF
     128             : 
     129         154 :       iter = 0
     130         154 :       iterHF = 0
     131         154 :       l_cont = (iter < fi%input%itmax)
     132             : 
     133             :       ! Read in last Hubbard 1 distances
     134         154 :       l_error = .TRUE.
     135         154 :       IF (fi%atoms%n_hia>0 .AND. fmpi%irank==0) CALL readPrevmmpDistances(mmpmatDistancePrev,occDistancePrev,l_error)
     136             : 
     137         154 :       CALL hub1data%init(fi%atoms, fi%input, fi%hub1inp, fmpi, mmpmatDistancePrev, occDistancePrev, l_error)
     138         154 :       CALL hub1data%mpi_bc(fmpi%mpi_comm)
     139             : 
     140         154 :       IF(fi%atoms%n_hia>0 .AND. .NOT.l_error .AND. THEN
     141             :          !Set the current HIA distance to the read in value
     142             :          !Prevents too many HIA iterations after restart
     143           0 :          results%last_mmpmatDistance = mmpmatDistancePrev
     144           0 :          results%last_occDistance = occDistancePrev
     145             :       END IF
     146         154 :       CALL mpi_bc(results%last_mmpmatDistance,0,fmpi%mpi_comm)
     147         154 :       CALL mpi_bc(results%last_occDistance,0,fmpi%mpi_comm)
     148             : 
     149         154 :       IF (fmpi%irank==0) CALL openXMLElementNoAttributes('scfLoop')
     150             : 
     151             :       ! Initialize (and load) the input density inDen
     152         154 :       CALL timestart("Load inDen")
     153             : 
     154             :       ! Warning on strange choice of switches before starting density is generated.
     155         400 :       IF (fi%input%l_onlyMtStDen .AND. .NOT. ANY(fi%noco%l_unrestrictMT)) THEN
     156           0 :          CALL juDFT_warn("l_onlyMtStDen='T' and l_mtNocoPot='F' makes no sense.", calledby='types_input')
     157             :       END IF
     158             : 
     159         154 :       CALL inDen%init(stars, fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%noco, fi%input%jspins, POTDEN_TYPE_DEN)
     160             : 
     161         154 :       archiveType = CDN_ARCHIVE_TYPE_CDN1_const
     162         154 :       IF (fi%noco%l_noco) archiveType = CDN_ARCHIVE_TYPE_NOCO_const
     163         400 :       IF (ANY(fi%noco%l_unrestrictMT)) archiveType = CDN_ARCHIVE_TYPE_FFN_const
     164             : 
     165         154 :       IF (fmpi%irank==0) CALL readDensity(stars, fi%noco, fi%vacuum, fi%atoms, fi%cell, sphhar, &
     166             :                                               fi%input, fi%sym, archiveType, CDN_INPUT_DEN_const, 0, &
     167          77 :                                               results%ef, results%last_distance, l_qfix, inDen)
     168         154 :       call mpi_bc(results%last_distance, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm)
     169             : 
     170             :       !IF (fi%noco%l_alignMT .AND. fmpi%irank .EQ. 0) THEN
     171             :          !CALL initRelax(fi%noco, nococonv, fi%atoms, fi%input, fi%vacuum, sphhar, stars, fi%sym,   fi%cell, inDen)
     172             :          !CALL doRelax(fi%vacuum, sphhar, stars, fi%sym,   fi%cell, fi%noco, nococonv, fi%input, fi%atoms, inDen)
     173             :       !END IF
     174             : 
     175         154 :       CALL timestart("Qfix main")
     176         154 :       CALL qfix(fmpi, stars,nococonv, fi%atoms, fi%sym, fi%vacuum, sphhar, fi%input, fi%cell,   inDen, fi%noco%l_noco, .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., fix)
     177             :       !CALL magMoms(fi%input,fi%atoms,fi%noco,nococonv,den=inDen)
     178         154 :       CALL timestop("Qfix main")
     179             : 
     180         154 :       IF (fmpi%irank==0) THEN
     181             :          CALL writeDensity(stars, fi%noco, fi%vacuum, fi%atoms, fi%cell, sphhar, fi%input, fi%sym,   archiveType, CDN_INPUT_DEN_const, &
     182          77 :                            0, -1.0, results%ef, results%last_mmpmatDistance, results%last_occDistance, .FALSE., inDen)
     183             :       END IF
     184             : 
     185         418 :       IF (ANY(fi%noco%l_alignMT)) CALL toLocalSpinFrame(fmpi, fi%vacuum, sphhar, stars, fi%sym, fi%cell, &
     186           2 :                                                         fi%noco, nococonv, fi%input, fi%atoms, .TRUE., inDen, .TRUE.)
     187         154 :       CALL timestop("Load inDen")
     188             : 
     189             :       ! Initialize potentials
     190         154 :       CALL timestart("Initialize potentials")
     191         154 :       CALL vTot%init(stars,  fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%noco, fi%input%jspins, POTDEN_TYPE_POTTOT)
     192         154 :       CALL vCoul%init(stars, fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%noco, fi%input%jspins, POTDEN_TYPE_POTCOUL)
     193         154 :       CALL vx%init(stars,    fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%noco, fi%input%jspins, POTDEN_TYPE_POTTOT)
     194         154 :       CALL vxc%init(stars,   fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%noco, fi%input%jspins, POTDEN_TYPE_POTTOT)
     195         154 :       CALL exc%init(stars,   fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%noco, fi%input%jspins, POTDEN_TYPE_POTTOT)
     196         154 :       CALL timestop("Initialize potentials")
     197             : 
     198             :       ! Initialize Green's function
     199         154 :       CALL timestart("Initialize GF")
     200        1592 :       ALLOCATE (greensFunction(MAX(1, fi%gfinp%n)))
     201         154 :       IF (fi%gfinp%n > 0) THEN
     202        1048 :          DO i_gf = 1, fi%gfinp%n
     203        1048 :             CALL greensFunction(i_gf)%init(fi%gfinp%elem(i_gf), fi%gfinp, fi%atoms, fi%input, nkpt=fi%kpts%nkpt)
     204             :          END DO
     205             :       END IF
     206         154 :       CALL timestop("Initialize GF")
     207             : 
     208             :       ! Open/allocate eigenvector storage
     209         154 :       CALL timestart("Open/allocate eigenvector storage")
     210         154 :       IF (fi%noco%l_soc .AND. fi%input%l_wann) THEN
     211             :          ! Weed up and down spinor components for SOC MLWFs.
     212             :          ! When jspins=1 Fleur usually writes only the up-spinor into the eig-file.
     213             :          ! Make sure we always get up and down spinors when SOC=true.
     214           0 :          wannierspin = 2
     215             :       ELSE
     216         154 :          wannierspin = fi%input%jspins
     217             :       END IF
     218             : 
     219         154 :       l_olap = fi%hybinp%l_hybrid .OR. fi%input%l_rdmft
     220             :       eig_id = open_eig(fmpi%mpi_comm, lapw_dim_nbasfcn, fi%input%neig, fi%kpts%nkpt, wannierspin, fi%noco%l_noco, &
     221         154 :               , fi%input%l_real, fi%noco%l_soc, fi%INPUT%eig66(1), l_olap, fmpi%n_size)
     222             :       
     223             :       ! The hybrid implementation doesn't use spinors. In the case of SOC calculations, a separate eig file has to be created
     224             :       ! It contains those eigenvalues/vectors found in the 'eigen' subroutine
     225         154 :       IF (fi%noco%l_soc .AND. fi%hybinp%l_hybrid) THEN
     226             :          hybdat%eig_id = open_eig(fmpi%mpi_comm, lapw_dim_nbasfcn, fi%input%neig, fi%kpts%nkpt, wannierspin, fi%noco%l_noco, &
     227           0 :, fi%input%l_real, .FALSE., fi%INPUT%eig66(1), l_olap, fmpi%n_size)
     228             :       ELSE
     229         154 :          hybdat%eig_id = eig_id
     230             :       ENDIF
     231             :  
     232             :       ! TODO: Isn't this comment kind of lost here?
     233             :       ! Rotate cdn to local frame if specified.
     234             : 
     235             : #ifdef CPP_CHASE
     236             :       CALL init_chase(fmpi, fi%input, fi%atoms, fi%kpts, fi%noco, l_real)
     237             : #endif
     238             : 
     239         154 :       CALL timestop("Open/allocate eigenvector storage")
     240             : 
     241             :       ! Perform some pre-scf-loop checks (start)
     242         154 :       CALL timestart("Pre-scf sanity check")
     243         154 :       IF (fi%input%gw .EQ. 2) THEN
     244           0 :          IF (ABS(results%last_distance) THEN
     245           0 :             CALL juDFT_warn('Performing spex="2" step without a selfconsistent density!')
     246             :          END IF
     247             :       END IF
     248         154 :       CALL timestop("Pre-scf sanity check")
     249             : 
     250             :       ! Start the scf loop.
     251         154 :       l_lastIter = .FALSE.
     252         818 :       scfloop: DO WHILE (l_cont)
     253         686 :          iter = iter + 1
     254         686 :          l_lastIter = l_lastIter.OR.(
     255         686 :          hub1data%overallIteration = hub1data%overallIteration + 1
     256             : 
     257         686 :          IF (fmpi%irank==0) CALL openXMLElementFormPoly('iteration', (/'numberForCurrentRun', 'overallNumber      '/), &
     258        1715 :                                                         (/iter, inden%iter/), RESHAPE((/19, 13, 5, 5/), (/2, 2/)))
     259             : 
     260             :          ! TODO: What is commented out here and should it perhaps be removed?
     261             : 
     262             : ! !$       !+t3e
     263             : ! !$       IF (fi%input%alpha.LT.10.0) THEN
     264             : ! !$
     265             : ! !$          IF (iter.GT.1) THEN
     266             : ! !$             fi%input%alpha = fi%input%alpha - NINT(fi%input%alpha)
     267             : ! !$          END IF
     268             : 
     269             :          !CALL resetIterationDependentTimers()
     270             : 
     271         686 :          CALL timestart("Iteration")
     272         686 :          IF (fmpi%irank==0) THEN
     273         343 :             WRITE (oUnit, FMT=8100) iter
     274             : 8100        FORMAT(/, 10x, '   iter=  ', i5)
     275             :          END IF !fmpi%irank==0
     276             : 
     277             : #ifdef CPP_CHASE
     278             :          CALL chase_distance(results%last_distance)
     279             : #endif
     280             : 
     281         686 :          CALL inDen%distribute(fmpi%mpi_comm)
     282         686 :          CALL nococonv%mpi_bc(fmpi%mpi_comm)
     283             : 
     284             :          ! Plot the input density if specified
     285         686 :          IF (fi%sliceplot%iplot .NE. 0) THEN
     286           0 :             IF ( THEN
     287             :                CALL makeplots(stars, fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%input, fmpi, fi%sym, fi%cell, &
     288           0 :                               fi%noco, nococonv, inDen, PLOT_INPDEN, fi%sliceplot)
     289             :             ELSE
     290           0 :                CALL sliceDen%init(stars, fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%noco, fi%input%jspins, POTDEN_TYPE_DEN)
     291           0 :                IF (fmpi%irank .EQ. 0) CALL readDensity(stars, fi%noco, fi%vacuum, fi%atoms, fi%cell, sphhar, &
     292             :                                                        fi%input, fi%sym,  CDN_ARCHIVE_TYPE_CDN_const, &
     293           0 :                                                        CDN_INPUT_DEN_const, 0, rdummy, tempDistance, l_dummy, sliceDen, inFilename='cdn_slice')
     294           0 :                CALL sliceden%distribute(fmpi%mpi_comm)
     295           0 :                call nococonv%mpi_bc(fmpi%mpi_comm)
     296             :                CALL makeplots(stars, fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%input, fmpi,   fi%sym, fi%cell, &
     297           0 :                               fi%noco, nococonv, sliceDen, PLOT_INPDEN, fi%sliceplot)
     298             :             END IF
     299           0 :             IF ((fmpi%irank .EQ. 0) .AND. (fi%sliceplot%iplot .EQ. 2)) THEN
     300           0 :                CALL juDFT_end("Stopped self consistency loop after plots have been generated.")
     301             :             END IF
     302             :          END IF
     303             : 
     304             :          !HF
     305         686 :          IF (fi%hybinp%l_hybrid) THEN
     306         186 :             hybdat%l_calhf = (results%last_distance >= 0.0) .AND. (results%last_distance < fi%input%minDistance)
     307             :             SELECT TYPE (xcpot)
     308             :             TYPE IS (t_xcpot_inbuild)
     309             :                CALL calc_hybrid(fi, mpdata, hybdat, fmpi, nococonv, stars, enpara, &
     310         186 :                                 hybdat%results, xcpot, vTot, iter, iterHF)
     311             :             END SELECT
     312             : 
     313             : #ifdef CPP_MPI
     314         186 :             CALL MPI_Barrier(fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     315             : #endif
     316         186 :             IF (hybdat%l_calhf) THEN
     317          12 :                CALL mixing_history_reset(fmpi)
     318          12 :                iter = 0
     319             :             END IF
     320             :          END IF
     321             : 
     322             :          ! TODO: What is commented out here and should it perhaps be removed?
     323             : 
     324             : ! !$             DO pc = 1, wann%nparampts
     325             : ! !$                !---> gwf
     326             : ! !$                IF (wann%l_sgwf.OR.wann%l_ms) THEN
     327             : ! !$                   fi%noco%qss(:) = wann%param_vec(:,pc)
     328             : ! !$                   fi%noco%alph(:) = wann%param_alpha(:,pc)
     329             : ! !$                ELSE IF (wann%l_socgwf) THEN
     330             : ! !$                   IF(wann%l_dim(2)) fi%noco%phi   = tpi_const * wann%param_vec(2,pc)
     331             : ! !$                   IF(wann%l_dim(3)) fi%noco%theta = tpi_const * wann%param_vec(3,pc)
     332             : ! !$                END IF
     333             :          !---< gwf
     334             : 
     335             :          ! Optionally scale up the magnetization density before the potential calculation.
     336        1862 :          IF (ANY(fi%noco%l_unrestrictMT) THEN
     337           2 :             sfscale = fi%noco%mag_scale
     338           2 :             CALL inDen%SpinsToChargeAndMagnetisation()
     339      736796 :             inDen%mt(:, 0:, :, 2:4) = sfscale*inDen%mt(:, 0:, :, 2:4)
     340       12290 :             inDen%pw(:, 2:3) = sfscale*inDen%pw(:, 2:3)
     341          14 :             inDen%vac(:, :, :, 2:3) = sfscale*inDen%vac(:, :, :, 2:3)
     342           2 :             CALL inDen%ChargeAndMagnetisationToSpins()
     343             :          END IF
     344             : 
     345         686 :          CALL timestart("generation of potential")
     346             :          CALL vgen(hybdat, fi%field, fi%input, xcpot, fi%atoms, sphhar, stars, fi%vacuum, fi%sym, fi%juphon, &
     347         686 :                    fi%cell,   fi%sliceplot, fmpi, results, fi%noco, nococonv, EnergyDen, inDen, vTot, vx, vCoul, vxc, exc)
     348         686 :          CALL timestop("generation of potential")
     349             : 
     350             :          ! Scale the magnetization back.
     351        1862 :          IF (ANY(fi%noco%l_unrestrictMT) THEN
     352           2 :             CALL inDen%SpinsToChargeAndMagnetisation()
     353      736796 :             inDen%mt(:, 0:, :, 2:4) = inDen%mt(:, 0:, :, 2:4)/sfscale
     354       12290 :             inDen%pw(:, 2:3) = inDen%pw(:, 2:3)/sfscale
     355          14 :             inDen%vac(:, :, :, 2:3) = inDen%vac(:, :, :, 2:3)/sfscale
     356           2 :             CALL inDen%ChargeAndMagnetisationToSpins()
     357             :          END IF
     358             : 
     359             :          ! Set up HIA stuff.
     360         686 :          IF (hub1data%l_runthisiter .AND. fi%atoms%n_hia > 0) THEN
     361           0 :             DO i_gf = 1, fi%gfinp%n
     362           0 :                CALL greensFunction(i_gf)%mpi_bc(fmpi%mpi_comm)
     363             :             END DO
     364           0 :             IF (ALL(greensFunction(fi%gfinp%hiaElem)%l_calc)) THEN
     365           0 :                hub1data%iter = hub1data%iter + 1
     366             :                CALL hubbard1_setup(fi%atoms, fi%cell, fi%gfinp, fi%hub1inp, fi%input, fmpi, fi%noco, fi%kpts, sphhar, fi%sym, nococonv, vTot, &
     367           0 :                                    greensFunction(fi%gfinp%hiaElem), hub1data, results, inDen)
     368             :             ELSE
     369           0 :                IF (fmpi%irank .EQ. 0) WRITE (*, *) 'Not all Greens Functions available: Running additional iteration'
     370           0 :                hub1data%l_runthisiter = .FALSE. !To prevent problems in mixing later on
     371             :             END IF
     372             :          END IF
     373             : 
     374             :          ! Set up DFT+U stuff.
     375         686 :          IF (fi%atoms%n_u + fi%atoms%n_hia > 0) THEN
     376          64 :             CALL u_setup(fi%atoms, fi%input, fi%noco, fmpi, hub1data, inDen, vTot, results)
     377             :          END IF
     378             : 
     379             : #ifdef CPP_MPI
     380         686 :          CALL MPI_BARRIER(fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     381             : #endif
     382             : 
     383         686 :          CALL forcetheo%start(vtot, fmpi%irank==0)
     384        1350 :          forcetheoloop: DO WHILE (forcetheo%next_job(fmpi,l_lastIter, fi%atoms, fi%noco, nococonv))
     385             : 
     386         686 :             CALL timestart("H generation and diagonalization (total)")
     387             : 
     388         686 :             CALL timestart("eigen")
     389             : 
     390         686 :             CALL timestart("Updating energy parameters")
     391         686 :             CALL enpara%update(fmpi, fi%atoms, fi%vacuum, fi%input, vToT, hub1data)
     392         686 :             CALL timestop("Updating energy parameters")
     393             : 
     394         686 :             IF (.NOT. fi%input%eig66(1)) THEN
     395             :                CALL eigen(fi, fmpi, stars, sphhar, xcpot, forcetheo, enpara, nococonv, mpdata, &
     396         686 :                           hybdat, iter, eig_id, results, inDen, vToT, vx, hub1data)
     397             :             END IF
     398             :             ! TODO: What is commented out here and should it perhaps be removed?
     399             : ! !$          eig_idList(pc) = eig_id
     400         686 :             CALL timestop("eigen")
     401             : 
     402             :             ! Add all HF contributions to the total energy
     403         686 :             IF( fi%input%jspins .EQ. 1 .AND. fi%hybinp%l_hybrid ) THEN
     404         132 :                hybdat%results%te_hfex%valence = 2*hybdat%results%te_hfex%valence
     405         132 :                IF(hybdat%l_calhf) hybdat%results%te_hfex%core = 2*hybdat%results%te_hfex%core
     406             :             END IF
     407             :             ! Send all result of local total energies to the r ! TODO: Is half the comment missing?
     408         686 :             IF (fi%hybinp%l_hybrid .AND. hybdat%l_calhf) THEN
     409          12 :                results%te_hfex=hybdat%results%te_hfex
     410             : #ifdef CPP_MPI
     411          12 :                CALL fmpi%set_root_comm()
     412          12 :                IF (fmpi%n_rank==0) THEN
     413           6 :                   IF (fmpi%irank==0) THEN
     414           6 :                      CALL MPI_Reduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, results%te_hfex%valence, 1, MPI_REAL8, MPI_SUM, 0, fmpi%root_comm, ierr)
     415             :                   ELSE
     416           0 :                      CALL MPI_Reduce(results%te_hfex%valence, MPI_IN_PLACE, 1, MPI_REAL8, MPI_SUM, 0, fmpi%root_comm, ierr)
     417             :                   END IF
     418             :                END IF
     419             : #endif
     420             :             END IF
     421             :             
     422         686 :             CALL timestart("2nd variation SOC")
     423         686 :             IF (fi%noco%l_soc .AND. .NOT. fi%noco%l_noco .AND. .NOT. fi%INPUT%eig66(1)) THEN
     424          68 :                IF (fi%hybinp%l_hybrid) hybdat%results = results !Store old eigenvalues for later call to fermie
     425          68 :                CALL eigenso(eig_id, fmpi, stars, sphhar, nococonv, vTot, enpara, results, fi%hub1inp, hub1data,fi)
     426             :             ENDIF   
     427         686 :             CALL timestop("2nd variation SOC")
     428         686 :             CALL timestop("H generation and diagonalization (total)")
     429             : 
     430             : #ifdef CPP_MPI
     431         686 :             CALL MPI_BARRIER(fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     432             : #endif
     433             : 
     434             :             ! Fermi level and occupancies
     435         686 :             input_soc = fi%input
     436         686 :             IF (fi%noco%l_soc .AND. (.NOT. fi%noco%l_noco)) THEN
     437          68 :                input_soc = fi%input
     438          68 :                input_soc%neig = 2*fi%input%neig
     439             :             END IF
     440             : 
     441         686 :             IF (fi%input%gw>0) THEN
     442           0 :                IF (fmpi%irank==0) THEN
     443             :                   CALL writeBasis(input_soc, fi%noco, nococonv, fi%kpts, fi%atoms, fi%sym, fi%cell, enpara, &
     444           0 :                                   hub1data, vTot, vCoul, vx, fmpi, results, eig_id, sphhar, stars, fi%vacuum)
     445             :                END IF
     446           0 :                IF (fi%input%gw==2) THEN
     447           0 :                   CALL juDFT_end("SPEX data written. Fleur ends.", fmpi%irank)
     448             :                END IF
     449             :             END IF
     450             : 
     451         686 :             CALL timestart("determination of fermi energy")
     452             : 
     453         686 :             IF (fi%noco%l_soc .AND. (.NOT. fi%noco%l_noco)) THEN
     454          68 :                input_soc%zelec = fi%input%zelec*2               
     455          68 :                IF (fi%hybinp%l_hybrid) &
     456           0 :                   CALL fermie(hybdat%eig_id, fmpi, fi%kpts, fi%input, fi%noco, enpara%epara_min, fi%cell, hybdat%results)
     457          68 :                CALL fermie(eig_id, fmpi, fi%kpts, input_soc, fi%noco, enpara%epara_min, fi%cell, results)
     458             : 
     459          68 :                results%seigv = results%seigv / 2.0
     460          68 :                results%ts = results%ts / 2.0
     461             :             ELSE
     462         618 :                CALL fermie(eig_id, fmpi, fi%kpts, fi%input, fi%noco, enpara%epara_min, fi%cell, results)
     463         618 :                IF (fi%hybinp%l_hybrid) hybdat%results = results
     464             :             ENDIF
     465             : #ifdef CPP_MPI
     466         686 :             CALL MPI_BCAST(results%ef, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     467        2744 :             CALL MPI_BCAST(results%w_iks, SIZE(results%w_iks), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     468         686 :             if (fi%hybinp%l_hybrid) then 
     469         186 :                CALL MPI_BCAST(hybdat%results%ef, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     470         744 :                CALL MPI_BCAST(hybdat%results%w_iks, SIZE(hybdat%results%w_iks), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     471             :             endif   
     472             : #endif            
     473         686 :             CALL timestop("determination of fermi energy")
     474             : 
     475             :             ! TODO: What is commented out here and should it perhaps be removed?
     476             : ! !$          !+Wannier
     477             : ! !$          IF(wann%l_bs_comf)THEN
     478             : ! !$             IF(pc.EQ.1) THEN
     479             : ! !$                OPEN(777,file='out_eig.1')
     480             : ! !$                OPEN(778,file='out_eig.2')
     481             : ! !$                OPEN(779,file='out_eig.1_diag')
     482             : ! !$                OPEN(780,file='out_eig.2_diag')
     483             : ! !$             END IF
     484             : ! !$
     485             : ! !$             CALL bs_comfort(eig_id,fi%input,fi%noco,fi%kpts%nkpt,pc)
     486             : ! !$
     487             : ! !$             IF(pc.EQ.wann%nparampts)THEN
     488             : ! !$                CLOSE(777)
     489             : ! !$                CLOSE(778)
     490             : ! !$                CLOSE(779)
     491             : ! !$                CLOSE(780)
     492             : ! !$             END IF
     493             : ! !$          END IF
     494             : ! !$          !-Wannier
     495             : 
     496             :             !ENDIF
     497             : 
     498             : 
     499         686 :             IF (forcetheo%eval(eig_id, fi%atoms, fi%kpts, fi%sym, fi%cell, fi%noco, nococonv, input_soc, fmpi,   enpara, vToT, results)) THEN
     500             :                CYCLE forcetheoloop
     501             :             END IF
     502             : 
     503         686 :             CALL timestart("Wannier")
     504         686 :             IF ((fi%input%l_wann) .AND. (.NOT. wann%l_bs_comf)) THEN
     505             :                CALL wannier(fmpi, input_soc, fi%kpts, fi%sym, fi%atoms, stars, fi%vacuum, sphhar,   &
     506             :                             wann, fi%noco, nococonv, fi%cell, enpara, fi%banddos, fi%sliceplot, vTot, results, &
     507           8 :                             (/eig_id/), (fi%sym%invs) .AND. (.NOT. fi%noco%l_soc) .AND. (.NOT. fi%noco%l_noco), fi%kpts%nkpt)
     508             :             END IF
     509         682 :             CALL timestop("Wannier")
     510             : 
     511             :             ! Check if the greensFunction have to be calculated
     512         682 :             IF (fi%gfinp%n > 0) THEN
     513        1060 :                DO i_gf = 1, fi%gfinp%n
     514             :                   ! Either the set distance has been reached (or is negative)
     515             :                   greensFunction(i_gf)%l_calc = (results%last_distance >= 0.0 .AND. &
     516             :                                                  results%last_distance < fi%gfinp%minCalcDistance) &
     517             :                                                 .OR. fi%gfinp%minCalcDistance < 0.0 & !No minCalcDistance distance set
     518        1018 :                                                 .OR. iter == fi%input%itmax !Maximum iteration  reached
     519             :                   ! or we are in the first iteration for Hubbard 1
     520        1060 :                   IF (fi%atoms%n_hia > 0) THEN
     521             :                      greensFunction(i_gf)%l_calc = greensFunction(i_gf)%l_calc .OR. (iter == 1 .AND. (hub1data%iter == 0 &
     522           0 :                                                                                                       .AND. ALL(ABS(vTot%mmpMat(:, :, fi%atoms%n_u + 1:fi%atoms%n_u + fi%atoms%n_hia, :)) .LT. 1e-12)))
     523             :                   END IF
     524             :                END DO
     525             :             END IF
     526             : 
     527             :             ! charge density generation
     528         682 :             CALL timestart("generation of new charge density (total)")
     529         682 :             CALL outDen%init(stars, fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%noco, fi%input%jspins, POTDEN_TYPE_DEN)
     530         682 :             outDen%iter = inDen%iter
     531             :             CALL cdngen(eig_id, fmpi, input_soc, fi%banddos, fi%sliceplot, fi%vacuum, &
     532             :                         fi%kpts, fi%atoms, sphhar, stars, fi%sym, fi%juphon, fi%gfinp, fi%hub1inp, &
     533             :                         enpara, fi%cell, fi%noco, nococonv, vTot, results,   fi%corespecinput, &
     534         682 :                         archiveType, xcpot, outDen, EnergyDen, greensFunction, hub1data,vxc,exc)
     535             :             ! The density matrix for DFT+Hubbard1 only changes in hubbard1_setup and is kept constant otherwise
     536        1790 :             outDen%mmpMat(:, :, fi%atoms%n_u + 1:fi%atoms%n_u + fi%atoms%n_hia, :) = inDen%mmpMat(:, :, fi%atoms%n_u + 1:fi%atoms%n_u + fi%atoms%n_hia, :)
     537             : 
     538         670 :             IF (fi%sliceplot%iplot/=0) THEN
     539             :                ! Plot the full output density.
     540             :                CALL makeplots(stars, fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%input, fmpi, fi%sym, fi%cell, &
     541           0 :                               fi%noco, nococonv, outDen, PLOT_OUTDEN_Y_CORE, fi%sliceplot)
     542             : 
     543           0 :                IF ((fi%sliceplot%iplot .NE. 0) .AND. (fmpi%irank .EQ. 0) .AND. (fi%sliceplot%iplot .LT. 64) .AND. (MODULO(fi%sliceplot%iplot, 2) .NE. 1)) THEN
     544           0 :                   CALL juDFT_end("Stopped self consistency loop after plots have been generated.")
     545             :                END IF
     546             :             END IF
     547             : 
     548         670 :             IF (fi%input%l_rdmft) THEN
     549             :                SELECT TYPE (xcpot)
     550             :                TYPE IS (t_xcpot_inbuild)
     551             :                   CALL rdmft(eig_id, fmpi, fi, enpara, stars, &
     552             :                              sphhar, vTot, vCoul, nococonv, xcpot, mpdata, hybdat, &
     553           0 :                              results, archiveType, outDen)
     554             :                END SELECT
     555             :             END IF
     556             : 
     557             : #ifdef CPP_MPI
     558         670 :             CALL MPI_BCAST(enpara%evac, SIZE(enpara%evac), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     559         670 :             CALL MPI_BCAST(enpara%evac0, SIZE(enpara%evac0), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     560        2680 :             CALL MPI_BCAST(enpara%el0, SIZE(enpara%el0), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     561        2680 :             CALL MPI_BCAST(enpara%ello0, SIZE(enpara%ello0), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     562             : 
     563             :             ! TODO: This might be broken at the moment. Fix!
     564             :             !IF (fi%noco%l_noco) THEN
     565             :             !   DO n = 1, fi%atoms%ntype
     566             :             !      IF (fi%noco%l_relax(n)) THEN
     567             :             !         CALL MPI_BCAST(nococonv%alph(n), 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     568             :             !         CALL MPI_BCAST(nococonv%beta(n), 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     569             :             !      END IF
     570             :             !   END DO
     571             :             !   IF (any(fi%noco%l_constrained)) THEN
     572             :             !      CALL MPI_BCAST(nococonv%b_con, SIZE(nococonv%b_con), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     573             :             !   END IF
     574             :             !END IF
     575             : #endif
     576         670 :             CALL timestop("generation of new charge density (total)")
     577             : 
     578         670 :             IF (fi%juPhon%l_dfpt) THEN
     579             :                ! Sideline the actual scf loop for a phonon calculation.
     580             :                ! It is assumed that the density was converged beforehand.
     581           0 :                 CALL timestop("Iteration")
     582           0 :                 CALL timestart("juPhon DFPT")
     583           0 :                 CALL dfpt(fi, sphhar, stars, nococonv, fi%kpts, fmpi, results, enpara, outDen, vTot, vxc, eig_id, xcpot, hybdat, mpdata, forcetheo)
     584           0 :                 CALL timestop("juPhon DFPT")
     585             :             END IF
     586             : 
     587             :             !CRYSTAL FIELD OUTPUT
     588        3010 :             IF(ANY(fi%atoms%l_outputCFpot(:)).OR.ANY(fi%atoms%l_outputCFcdn(:))) THEN
     589           2 :                CALL hub1data%mpi_bc(fmpi%mpi_comm)
     590           2 :                CALL writeCFOutput(fi,stars,hybdat,sphhar,xcpot,EnergyDen,outDen,hub1data,nococonv,enpara,fmpi)
     591           2 :                CALL juDFT_end("Crystal Field Output written",fmpi%irank)
     592             :             END IF
     593             : 
     594             :             ! TODO: What is commented out here and should it perhaps be removed?
     595             : ! !$             !----> output potential and potential difference
     596             : ! !$             IF (disp) THEN
     597             : ! !$                reap = .FALSE.
     598             : ! !$                CALL timestart("generation of potential (total)")
     599             : ! !$                CALL vgen(fi%hybinp,reap,fi%input,xcpot, fi%atoms,sphhar,stars,fi%vacuum,fi%sym,&
     600             : ! !$                     fi%cell, fi%sliceplot,fmpi, results,fi%noco,outDen,inDenRot,vTot,vx,vCoul)
     601             : ! !$                CALL timestop("generation of potential (total)")
     602             : ! !$
     603             : ! !$                CALL potdis(stars,fi%vacuum,fi%atoms,sphhar, fi%input,fi%cell,fi%sym)
     604             : ! !$             END IF
     605             : 
     606             :             ! total energy
     607             : 
     608             :             ! Rotating from local MT frame in global frame for mixing
     609             :             ! TODO: Should this be done before the total energy calculation already?
     610         668 :             CALL toGlobalSpinFrame(fi%noco, nococonv, fi%vacuum, sphhar, stars, fi%sym, fi%cell, fi%input, fi%atoms, inDen,  fmpi)
     611         668 :             CALL toGlobalSpinFrame(fi%noco, nococonv, fi%vacuum, sphhar, stars, fi%sym, fi%cell, fi%input, fi%atoms, outDen, fmpi, .TRUE.)
     612         668 :             CALL timestart('determination of total energy')
     613             :             CALL totale(fmpi, fi%atoms, sphhar, stars, fi%vacuum, fi%sym, fi%input, fi%noco, fi%cell,   &
     614         668 :                         xcpot, hybdat, vTot, vCoul, iter, inDen, results)
     615         664 :             CALL timestop('determination of total energy')
     616             :          END DO forcetheoloop
     617             : 
     618         664 :          CALL forcetheo%postprocess()
     619             : 
     620         664 :          CALL enpara%mix(fmpi%mpi_comm, fi%atoms, fi%vacuum, fi%input, vTot)
     621         664 :          field2 = fi%field
     622             : 
     623             :          ! mix input and output densities
     624             :          CALL mix_charge(field2, fmpi, (iter == fi%input%itmax .OR. judft_was_argument("-mix_io")), stars, &
     625             :                          fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%input, fi%sym, fi%juphon, fi%cell, fi%noco, nococonv, &
     626         800 :                          archiveType, xcpot, iter, inDen, outDen, results, hub1data%l_runthisiter, fi%sliceplot)
     627             : 
     628             :          ! Rotating to the local MT frame
     629             :          CALL toLocalSpinFrame(fmpi, fi%vacuum, sphhar, stars, fi%sym, fi%cell, fi%noco, &
     630         664 :                                nococonv, fi%input, fi%atoms, .TRUE., inDen, .TRUE.)
     631             : 
     632         664 :          IF (fmpi%irank==0) THEN
     633         332 :             WRITE (oUnit, FMT=8130) iter
     634             : 8130        FORMAT(/, 5x, '******* it=', i3, '  is completed********', /,/)
     635         332 :             call log%add("Interation",int2str(iter))
     636         332 :             IF (fi%hybinp%l_hybrid) THEN
     637          93 :                WRITE (*, *) "Iteration:", iter, " Distance:", results%last_distance, " hyb distance:", hybdat%results%last_distance
     638          93 :                call log%add("Hybrid-distance",float2str(hybdat%results%last_distance))
     639             :             ELSE
     640         239 :                WRITE (*, *) "Iteration:", iter, " Distance:", results%last_distance
     641             :             ENDIF
     642         332 :             call log%add("Distance",float2str(results%last_distance))
     643         332 :             call log%report(logmode_info)
     644             :          END IF ! fmpi%irank.EQ.0
     645         664 :          CALL timestop("Iteration")
     646             : 
     647             : #ifdef CPP_MPI
     648         664 :          CALL MPI_BCAST(results%last_distance, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     649         664 :          CALL MPI_BARRIER(fmpi%mpi_comm, ierr)
     650             : #endif
     651             : 
     652             :        
     653             :          l_cont = .TRUE.
     654         664 :          IF (fi%hybinp%l_hybrid) THEN
     655         186 :             IF (hybdat%l_calhf) THEN
     656          12 :                l_cont = l_cont .AND. (iterHF < fi%input%itmax)
     657          12 :                l_cont = l_cont .AND. (fi%input%mindistance <= results%last_distance)
     658          12 :                CALL check_time_for_next_iteration(iterHF, l_cont)
     659             :             ELSE
     660         174 :                l_cont = l_cont .AND. (iter < 50) ! Security stop for non-converging nested PBE calculations
     661             :             END IF
     662             : 
     663         186 :             IF (hybdat%l_subvxc) THEN
     664          98 :                results%te_hfex%valence = 0
     665             :             END IF
     666         478 :          ELSE IF (fi%atoms%n_hia > 0) THEN
     667           0 :             l_cont = l_cont .AND. (iter < fi%input%itmax) !The SCF cycle reached the maximum iteration
     668           0 :             l_cont = l_cont .AND. ((fi%input%mindistance <= results%last_distance) .OR. fi%input%l_f)
     669             :             !If we have converged run hia if the density matrix has not converged
     670             :             hub1data%l_runthisiter = .NOT. l_cont .AND. (fi%hub1inp%minoccDistance <= results%last_occdistance &
     671             :                                                          .OR. results%last_occdistance <= 0.0 .OR. results%last_mmpMatdistance <= 0.0 &
     672           0 :                                                          .OR. fi%hub1inp%minmatDistance <= results%last_mmpMatdistance)
     673             :             !Run after first overall iteration to generate a starting density matrix
     674             :             hub1data%l_runthisiter = hub1data%l_runthisiter .OR. (iter == 1 .AND. (hub1data%iter == 0 &
     675           0 :                                                             .AND. ALL(ABS(vTot%mmpMat(:, :, fi%atoms%n_u + 1:fi%atoms%n_u + fi%atoms%n_hia, :)) .LT. 1e-12)))
     676           0 :             hub1data%l_runthisiter = hub1data%l_runthisiter .AND. (iter < fi%input%itmax)
     677           0 :             hub1data%l_runthisiter = hub1data%l_runthisiter .AND. (hub1data%iter < fi%hub1inp%itmax)
     678             :             !Prevent that the scf loop terminates
     679           0 :             l_cont = l_cont .OR. hub1data%l_runthisiter
     680           0 :             CALL check_time_for_next_iteration(hub1data%overallIteration, l_cont)
     681             :          ELSE
     682         478 :             l_cont = l_cont .AND. (iter < fi%input%itmax)
     683             :             ! MetaGGAs need a at least 2 iterations
     684             :             l_cont = l_cont .AND. ((fi%input%mindistance <= results%last_distance) .OR. fi%input%l_f &
     685         478 :                                    .OR. (xcpot%exc_is_MetaGGA() .and. iter == 1))
     686         478 :             CALL check_time_for_next_iteration(iter, l_cont)
     687             :          END IF
     688             : 
     689             :          ! Add extra iteration for force theorem if necessary
     690         664 :          l_forceTheorem = .FALSE.
     691             :          SELECT TYPE(forcetheo)
     692             :             TYPE IS(t_forcetheo_mae)
     693             :                l_forceTheorem = .TRUE.
     694             :             TYPE IS(t_forcetheo_dmi)
     695             :                l_forceTheorem = .TRUE.
     696             :             TYPE IS(t_forcetheo_jij)
     697             :                l_forceTheorem = .TRUE.
     698             :             TYPE IS(t_forcetheo_ssdisp)
     699             :                l_forceTheorem = .TRUE.
     700             :          END SELECT
     701             : 
     702           0 :          IF(l_forceTheorem.AND..NOT.l_cont) THEN
     703           0 :             IF(.NOT.l_lastIter) THEN
     704           0 :                l_lastIter = .TRUE.
     705           0 :                l_cont = .TRUE.
     706             :             END IF
     707           0 :          ELSE IF(l_forceTheorem.AND.l_lastIter) THEN
     708           0 :             l_cont = .FALSE.
     709             :          END IF
     710             :          
     711             :          ! IF file JUDFT_NO_MORE_ITERATIONS is present in the directory, don't do any more iterations
     712         664 :          IF(fmpi%irank.EQ.0) THEN
     713         332 :             l_exist = .FALSE.
     714         332 :             INQUIRE (file='JUDFT_NO_MORE_ITERATIONS', exist=l_exist)
     715         332 :             IF (l_exist) l_cont = .FALSE.
     716             :          END IF
     717             : #ifdef CPP_MPI
     718         664 :          CALL MPI_BCAST(l_cont,1,MPI_LOGICAL,0,fmpi%mpi_comm,ierr)
     719             : #endif
     720             : 
     721             :          ! TODO: What is commented out here and should it perhaps be removed?
     722             :          !CALL writeTimesXML()
     723             : 
     724         664 :          IF (fmpi%irank .EQ. 0) THEN
     725         332 :             IF (isCurrentXMLElement("iteration")) CALL closeXMLElement('iteration')
     726             :          END IF
     727             : 
     728         664 :          IF ((fi%sliceplot%iplot .NE. 0)) THEN
     729             :             ! Plot the mixed density
     730             :             CALL makeplots(stars, fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%input, fmpi,   fi%sym, &
     731           0 :                            fi%cell, fi%noco, nococonv, inDen, PLOT_MIXDEN_Y_CORE, fi%sliceplot)
     732             :             ! Plot the mixed valence density
     733             :             !CALL makeplots(fi%sym,stars,fi%vacuum,fi%atoms,sphhar,fi%input,fi%cell, fi%noco,fi%sliceplot,inDen,PLOT_MIXDEN_N_CORE)
     734             :             !CALL makeplots(stars, fi%atoms, sphhar, fi%vacuum, fi%input,   fi%sym, fi%cell, fi%noco, inDen, PLOT_OUTDEN_N_CORE, fi%sliceplot)
     735             :          END IF
     736             : 
     737             :          ! Break SCF loop if Plots were generated in ongoing run (iplot/=0). This needs to happen here, as the mixed density
     738             :          ! is the last plottable t_potden to appear in the scf loop and with no mixed density written out (so it is quasi
     739             :          ! post-process).
     740             : 
     741        2014 :          IF ((fi%sliceplot%iplot .NE. 0) .AND. (fmpi%irank .EQ. 0)) THEN
     742           0 :             CALL juDFT_end("Stopped self consistency loop after plots have been generated.")
     743             :          END IF
     744             : 
     745             :       END DO scfloop ! DO WHILE (l_cont)
     746             : 
     747         132 :       CALL add_usage_data("Iterations", iter)
     748             : 
     749         132 :       IF (fmpi%irank .EQ. 0) CALL closeXMLElement('scfLoop')
     750             : 
     751         132 :       CALL close_eig(eig_id)
     752         132 :       IF (fi%noco%l_soc .AND. fi%hybinp%l_hybrid) CALL close_eig(hybdat%eig_id)
     753         132 :       CALL juDFT_end("all done", fmpi%irank)
     754         480 :    END SUBROUTINE fleur_execute
     755         850 : END MODULE m_fleur

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