LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - vgen - mpmom.F90 (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: FLEUR test coverage Lines: 89 162 54.9 %
Date: 2024-04-25 04:21:55 Functions: 3 5 60.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : module m_mpmom
       2             :   !     ***********************************************************
       3             :   !     calculation of the multipole moments of the original charge
       4             :   !     density minus the interstitial charge density
       5             :   !     for each atom type
       6             :   !
       7             :   !     For yukawa_residual = .true. the subroutines calculate the
       8             :   !     multipole moments for the Yukawa potential instead of the
       9             :   !     Coulomb potential. This is used in the preconditioning of
      10             :   !     the SCF iteration for metallic systems.
      11             :   !
      12             :   !     qlmo(m,l,n) : of the muffin-tin charge density
      13             :   !     qlmp(m,l,n) : of the plane-wave charge density
      14             :   !     qlm (m,l,n) : (output) difference of the former quantities
      15             :   !
      16             :   !     references:
      17             :   !     for both the Coulomb and the Yukawa pseudo charge density:
      18             :   !     F. Tran, P. Blaha: Phys. Rev. B 83, 235118 (2011)
      19             :   !     or see the original paper for the normal Coulomb case only:
      20             :   !     M. Weinert: J.Math.Phys. 22(11) (1981) p.2434 eq. (10)-(15)
      21             :   !     ***********************************************************
      22             : 
      23             : contains
      24             : 
      25        1392 :   subroutine mpmom( input, fmpi, atoms, sphhar, stars, sym, juphon, cell,   qpw, rho, potdenType, qlm,l_coreCharge,&
      26        1392 :                   & rhoimag, stars2, iDtype, iDir, rho0, qpw0, iDir2, mat2ord )
      27             : 
      28             :     use m_types
      29             :     USE m_constants
      30             :     implicit none
      31             : 
      32             :     type(t_input),   intent(in)   :: input
      33             :     type(t_mpi),     intent(in)   :: fmpi
      34             : 
      35             :     type(t_sym),     intent(in)   :: sym
      36             :     type(t_juphon),  intent(in)   :: juphon
      37             :     type(t_stars),   intent(in)   :: stars
      38             :     type(t_cell),    intent(in)   :: cell
      39             :     type(t_sphhar),  intent(in)   :: sphhar
      40             :     type(t_atoms),   intent(in)   :: atoms
      41             :     real,            intent(in)   :: rho(:,0:,:) !(atoms%jmtd,0:sphhar%nlhd,atoms%ntype)
      42             :     complex,         intent(in)   :: qpw(:)      !(stars%ng3)
      43             :     integer,         intent(in)   :: potdenType
      44             :     complex,         intent(out)  :: qlm(-atoms%lmaxd:atoms%lmaxd,0:atoms%lmaxd,atoms%ntype)
      45             :     LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: l_coreCharge
      46             : 
      47             :     REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)          :: rhoimag(:,0:,:), rho0(:,0:,:)
      48             :     INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)       :: iDtype, iDir ! DFPT: Type and direction of displaced atom
      49             :     COMPLEX, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)       :: qpw0(:)
      50             :     TYPE(t_stars), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: stars2
      51             :     INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)       :: iDir2
      52             :     COMPLEX, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)       :: mat2ord(5,3,3)
      53             : 
      54             :     integer                       :: j, jm, lh, mb, mem, mems, n, nd, l, nat, m
      55         696 :     complex                       :: qlmo(-atoms%lmaxd:atoms%lmaxd,0:atoms%lmaxd,atoms%ntype)
      56         696 :     complex                       :: qlmp(-atoms%lmaxd:atoms%lmaxd,0:atoms%lmaxd,atoms%ntype)
      57         696 :     complex                       :: qlmp_SF(-atoms%lmaxd:atoms%lmaxd,0:atoms%lmaxd,atoms%ntype)
      58             : 
      59             :     LOGICAL :: l_dfptvgen ! If this is true, we handle things differently!
      60             : 
      61         696 :     l_dfptvgen = PRESENT(stars2)
      62             : 
      63             :     ! multipole moments of original charge density
      64         696 :     if ( fmpi%irank == 0 ) then
      65      114949 :       qlmo = 0.0
      66             : !      call mt_moments( input, atoms, sphhar, rho(:,:,:), potdenType, qlmo )
      67         348 :       IF (.NOT.l_dfptvgen) THEN
      68         348 :           call mt_moments( input, atoms, sym, juphon, sphhar, rho(:,:,:), potdenType,qlmo,l_coreCharge)
      69           0 :       ELSE IF (.NOT.PRESENT(iDir2)) THEN
      70             :           ! qlmo for the real part of rho1:
      71           0 :           call mt_moments( input, atoms, sym, juphon, sphhar, rho(:,:,:), potdenType,qlmo,l_coreCharge=.FALSE.)
      72             :           ! qlmo for the imaginary part of rho1 and the perturbation of vExt in the displaced atom:
      73           0 :           call mt_moments( input, atoms, sym, juphon, sphhar, rhoimag(:,:,:), potdenType,qlmo,l_coreCharge=.TRUE.,l_rhoimag=.TRUE.,iDtype=iDtype,iDir=iDir)
      74           0 :           IF (juphon%l_phonon) CALL dfpt_mt_moments_SF(atoms, sym, sphhar, iDtype, iDir, rho0(:,:,:), qlmo)
      75             :       ELSE
      76           0 :           call mt_moments( input, atoms, sym, juphon, sphhar, rho(:,:,:), potdenType,qlmo,l_coreCharge=.TRUE.,l_rhoimag=.FALSE.,iDtype=iDtype,iDir=iDir,iDir2=iDir2,mat2ord=mat2ord)
      77             :       END IF
      78             :     end if
      79             : 
      80             :     ! multipole moments of the interstitial charge density in the spheres
      81         696 :     call pw_moments( input, fmpi, stars, atoms, cell, sym,   qpw(:), potdenType, qlmp , l_dfptvgen)
      82             : 
      83         696 :     IF (l_dfptvgen.AND..NOT.PRESENT(iDir2).AND.juphon%l_phonon) THEN
      84           0 :       CALL dfpt_pw_moments_SF( fmpi, stars2, atoms, cell, sym, iDtype, iDir, qpw0(:), qlmp_SF )
      85           0 :       qlmp = qlmp + qlmp_SF
      86             :     END IF
      87             : 
      88         696 :     if ( fmpi%irank == 0 ) then
      89             :       ! see (A14)
      90      114949 :       qlm = qlmo - qlmp
      91             :       ! output section
      92         975 :       do n = 1, atoms%ntype
      93         627 :          nat = atoms%firstAtom(n)
      94         627 :          write(oUnit, fmt=8000 ) n
      95        6770 :          do l = 0, atoms%lmax(n)
      96       61025 :             do m = -l, l
      97       60398 :                if ( qlmo(m,l,n)/=CMPLX(0.0) .or. qlmp(m,l,n)/=CMPLX(0.0) ) then
      98       50668 :                   write(oUnit, fmt=8010 ) l, m, qlmo(m,l,n), qlmp(m,l,n)
      99             :                end if
     100             :             end do
     101             :          end do
     102             :       end do
     103             : 
     104             : 8000   FORMAT (/,10x,'multipole moments for atom type=',i5,/,/,t3,'l',t7,&
     105             :             &       'm',t27,'original',t57,'plane wave')
     106             : 8010   FORMAT (1x,i2,2x,i3,2x,2 (5x,2e15.5))
     107             :        !
     108             :     end if ! fmpi%irank == 0
     109             : 
     110         696 :   end subroutine mpmom
     111             : 
     112             : 
     113             : !  subroutine mt_moments( input, atoms, sphhar, rho, potdenType, qlmo )
     114         410 :   subroutine mt_moments( input, atoms, sym, juphon, sphhar, rho, potdenType,qlmo,l_coreCharge,l_rhoimag,iDtype,iDir,iDir2,mat2ord)
     115             :     ! multipole moments of original charge density
     116             :     ! see (A15) (Coulomb case) or (A17) (Yukawa case)
     117             : 
     118             :     use m_intgr,     only: intgr3
     119             :     use m_constants, only: sfp_const, POTDEN_TYPE_POTYUK, POTDEN_TYPE_CRYSTALFIELD
     120             :     use m_types
     121             :     use m_DoubleFactorial
     122             :     use m_SphBessel
     123             :     use m_juDFT
     124             :     implicit none
     125             : 
     126             :     type(t_input),  intent(in)        :: input
     127             :     type(t_sphhar), intent(in)        :: sphhar
     128             :     type(t_atoms),  intent(in)        :: atoms
     129             :     type(t_sym),    intent(in)        :: sym
     130             :     type(t_juphon), intent(in)        :: juphon
     131             :     real,           intent(in)        :: rho(: ,0:, :)
     132             :     integer,        intent(in)        :: potdenType
     133             :     complex,        intent(inout)     :: qlmo(-atoms%lmaxd:,0:,:)
     134             :     LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)     :: l_coreCharge,l_rhoimag
     135             :     INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)     :: iDtype, iDir ! DFPT: Type and direction of displaced atom
     136             :     INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)     :: iDir2
     137             :     COMPLEX, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)     :: mat2ord(5,3,3)
     138             : 
     139             :     integer                           :: n, ns, jm, nl, l, j, mb, m, nat, i, imax, lmax
     140             :     real                              :: fint
     141        1107 :     real                              :: f( maxval( atoms%jri ) )
     142         410 :     real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: il, kl
     143             :     LOGICAL                           :: l_subtractCoreCharge
     144             : 
     145             :     LOGICAL :: l_dfptvgen ! If this is true, we handle things differently!
     146             : 
     147         410 :     l_dfptvgen = PRESENT(iDtype)
     148             : 
     149         410 :     if ( potdenType == POTDEN_TYPE_POTYUK ) then
     150          18 :       allocate( il(0:atoms%lmaxd, 1:atoms%jmtd), kl(0:atoms%lmaxd, 1:atoms%jmtd) )
     151             :     end if
     152             : 
     153         410 :     l_subtractCoreCharge = .TRUE.
     154         410 :     if ( potdenType == POTDEN_TYPE_POTYUK ) l_subtractCoreCharge = .FALSE.
     155         410 :     IF(PRESENT(l_coreCharge)) l_subtractCoreCharge = l_coreCharge
     156             : 
     157         410 :     nat = 1
     158        1107 :     do n = 1, atoms%ntype
     159         697 :       ns = sym%ntypsy(nat)
     160         697 :       jm = atoms%jri(n)
     161         697 :       imax = atoms%jri(n)
     162         697 :       lmax = sphhar%llh(sphhar%nlh(ns), ns)
     163         697 :       if ( potdenType == POTDEN_TYPE_POTYUK ) then
     164             :         !do concurrent (i = 1:imax)
     165       11370 :         do i = 1,imax
     166       11370 :           call ModSphBessel( il(:, i), kl(:, i), input%preconditioning_param * atoms%rmsh(i, n), lmax )
     167             :         end do
     168             :       end if
     169       22198 :       do nl = 0, sphhar%nlh(ns)
     170       21501 :         l = sphhar%llh(nl,ns)
     171       21501 :         if(jm < 2) call juDFT_error("This would be uninit in intgr3.")
     172    15313898 :         do j = 1, jm
     173    15313898 :           if ( potdenType /= POTDEN_TYPE_POTYUK ) then
     174    15135698 :             f(j) = atoms%rmsh(j,n) ** l * rho(j,nl,n)
     175             :           else
     176      156699 :             f(j) = il(l, j) * rho(j,nl,n)
     177             :           end if
     178             :         end do
     179       21501 :         call intgr3( f, atoms%rmsh(:,n), atoms%dx(n), jm, fint )
     180       21501 :         if ( potdenType == POTDEN_TYPE_POTYUK ) then
     181         207 :           fint = fint * DoubleFactorial( l ) / input%preconditioning_param ** l
     182             :         end if
     183       64942 :         do mb = 1, sphhar%nmem(nl,ns)
     184       42744 :           m = sphhar%mlh(mb,nl,ns)
     185       64245 :           IF (.NOT.PRESENT(l_rhoimag)) THEN
     186       42744 :               qlmo(m,l,n) = qlmo(m,l,n) + sphhar%clnu(mb,nl,ns) * fint
     187             :           ELSE
     188           0 :               qlmo(m,l,n) = qlmo(m,l,n) + ImagUnit*sphhar%clnu(mb,nl,ns) * fint
     189             :           END IF
     190             :         end do
     191             :       end do
     192             : !      if ( potdenType /= POTDEN_TYPE_POTYUK ) then
     193         697 :       if (l_subtractCoreCharge) then
     194         612 :         IF (.NOT.l_dfptvgen) THEN
     195         612 :             qlmo(0,0,n) = qlmo(0,0,n) - atoms%zatom(n) / sfp_const
     196           0 :         ELSE IF (.NOT.PRESENT(iDir2).AND.juphon%l_phonon) THEN
     197           0 :             IF ((n.EQ.iDtype)) THEN
     198           0 :                 qlmo(-1:1,1,n) = qlmo(-1:1,1,n) - 3.0 / fpi_const * atoms%zatom(n) * c_im(iDir, :)
     199           0 :             ELSE IF ((0.EQ.iDtype)) THEN
     200           0 :                 qlmo(-1:1,1,n) = qlmo(-1:1,1,n) + 3.0 / fpi_const * atoms%zatom(n) * c_im(iDir, :)
     201             :             END IF
     202           0 :          ELSE IF (juphon%l_phonon) THEN
     203             :             !IF ((n.EQ.iDtype).OR.(0.EQ.iDtype)) qlmo(0,0,n) = qlmo(0,0,n) - atoms%zatom(n) * (-0.2660214309643778) ! TODO: What the hell is this value???
     204           0 :             IF ((n.EQ.iDtype).OR.(0.EQ.iDtype)) qlmo(-2:2,2,n) = qlmo(-2:2,2,n) - 5.0 / fpi_const * atoms%zatom(n) * mat2ord(:,iDir2,iDir)
     205             :         END IF
     206             :       end if
     207        1107 :       nat = nat + atoms%neq(n)
     208             :     end do
     209             : 
     210         410 :   end subroutine mt_moments
     211             : 
     212             : 
     213             : !  subroutine pw_moments( input, fmpi, stars, atoms, cell, sym,   qpw, potdenType, qlmp_out )
     214         696 :   subroutine pw_moments( input, fmpi, stars, atoms, cell, sym,   qpw_in, potdenType, qlmp_out, l_dfptvgen )
     215             :     ! multipole moments of the interstitial charge in the spheres
     216             : 
     217             :     use m_mpi_bc_tool
     218             :     use m_mpi_reduce_tool
     219             :     use m_phasy1
     220             :     use m_sphbes
     221             : 
     222             :     use m_constants, only: sfp_const, POTDEN_TYPE_POTYUK
     223             :     use m_types
     224             :     use m_DoubleFactorial
     225             :     use m_SphBessel
     226             :     implicit none
     227             : 
     228             :     type(t_input),    intent(in)   :: input
     229             :     type(t_mpi),      intent(in)   :: fmpi
     230             : 
     231             :     type(t_sym),      intent(in)   :: sym
     232             :     type(t_stars),    intent(in)   :: stars
     233             :     type(t_cell),     intent(in)   :: cell
     234             :     type(t_atoms),    intent(in)   :: atoms
     235             :     complex,          intent(in)   :: qpw_in(:)
     236             :     integer,          intent(in)   :: potdenType
     237             :     complex,          intent(out)  :: qlmp_out(-atoms%lmaxd:,0:,:)
     238             :     LOGICAL,          INTENT(IN)   :: l_dfptvgen
     239             : 
     240             :     integer                        :: n, k, l, ll1, lm, ierr, m
     241             :     integer                        :: maxBunchSize, numBunches, iBunch, firstStar, iTempArray
     242             :     complex                        :: sk3i, cil, nqpw, temp
     243        1950 :     complex                        :: pylm(( maxval( atoms%lmax ) + 1 ) ** 2, atoms%ntype)
     244             :     real                           :: sk3r, rl2
     245        1950 :     real                           :: aj(0:maxval( atoms%lmax ) + 1 )
     246         696 :     complex, ALLOCATABLE           :: qpw(:)
     247        1950 :     real                           :: il(0:maxval( atoms%lmax ) + 1 )
     248        1950 :     real                           :: kl(0:maxval( atoms%lmax ) + 1 )
     249         696 :     complex                        :: qlmp(-atoms%lmaxd:atoms%lmaxd,0:atoms%lmaxd,atoms%ntype)
     250         696 :     complex, ALLOCATABLE           :: qlmpStars(:,:,:,:)
     251             :     TYPE(t_parallelLoop)           :: mpiLoop, ompLoop
     252             : 
     253        2088 :     ALLOCATE(qpw(stars%ng3))
     254     1563080 :     qpw = qpw_in(:stars%ng3)
     255      229898 :     qlmp = 0.0
     256             : 
     257         696 :     call mpi_bc(qpw,0,fmpi%mpi_comm)
     258             : 
     259        2784 :     firstStar = MERGE(2,1,norm2(stars%center)<=1e-8)
     260         696 :     maxBunchSize = 2*getNumberOfThreads() ! This bunch size is kind of a magic number detrmined from some
     261             :                                           ! naive performance tests for a 64 atom unit cell
     262         696 :     CALL calcNumberComputationBunches(firstStar, stars%ng3, maxBunchSize, numBunches)
     263             : 
     264        4176 :     ALLOCATE(qlmpStars(-atoms%lmaxd:atoms%lmaxd,0:atoms%lmaxd,atoms%ntype,maxBunchSize))
     265      920288 :     qlmpStars = CMPLX(0.0,0.0)
     266             : 
     267         696 :     CALL mpiLoop%init(fmpi%irank,fmpi%isize,0,numBunches-1)
     268      195887 :     DO iBunch = mpiLoop%bunchMinIndex, mpiLoop%bunchMaxIndex
     269      195191 :        CALL ompLoop%init(iBunch,numBunches,firstStar,stars%ng3)
     270             :        !$OMP parallel do default( NONE ) &
     271             :        !$OMP SHARED(input,atoms,stars,sym,cell,ompLoop,qpw,qlmpStars,potdenType) &
     272      195887 :        !$OMP private(iTempArray,pylm,nqpw,n,sk3r,aj,rl2,il,kl,sk3i,l,cil,ll1,m,lm)
     273             :        do k = ompLoop%bunchMinIndex, ompLoop%bunchMaxIndex
     274             :           iTempArray = k - ompLoop%bunchMinIndex + 1
     275             :           call phasy1( atoms, stars, sym, cell, k, pylm )
     276             :           nqpw = qpw(k) * stars%nstr(k)
     277             :           do n = 1, atoms%ntype
     278             :              sk3r = stars%sk3(k) * atoms%rmt(n)
     279             :              call sphbes( atoms%lmax(n) + 1, sk3r, aj )
     280             :              rl2 = atoms%rmt(n) ** 2
     281             :              if ( potdenType == POTDEN_TYPE_POTYUK ) then
     282             :                 call ModSphBessel( il(0:atoms%lmax(n)+1), kl(0:atoms%lmax(n)+1), input%preconditioning_param * atoms%rmt(n), atoms%lmax(n) + 1 )
     283             :                 sk3i = nqpw / ( stars%sk3(k) ** 2 + input%preconditioning_param ** 2 ) * rl2
     284             :              else
     285             :                 sk3i = nqpw / stars%sk3(k)
     286             :              end if
     287             :              do l = 0, atoms%lmax(n)
     288             :                 if ( potdenType == POTDEN_TYPE_POTYUK ) then
     289             :                    cil = ( stars%sk3(k) * il(l) * aj(l+1) + input%preconditioning_param * il(l+1) * aj(l) ) * ( DoubleFactorial( l ) / input%preconditioning_param ** l ) * sk3i
     290             :                 else
     291             :                    cil = aj(l+1) * sk3i * rl2
     292             :                    rl2 = rl2 * atoms%rmt(n)
     293             :                 end if
     294             :                 ll1 = l * ( l + 1 ) + 1
     295             :                 do m = -l, l
     296             :                    lm = ll1 + m
     297             :                    qlmpStars(m,l,n,iTempArray) = qlmpStars(m,l,n,iTempArray) + cil * pylm(lm,n)
     298             :                 end do
     299             :              end do                  ! l = 0, atoms%lmax(n)
     300             :           end do                    ! n = 1, atoms%ntype
     301             :        end do
     302             :        !$OMP END PARALLEL DO
     303             :     END DO
     304             :     !$OMP parallel do default( NONE ) &
     305             :     !$OMP SHARED(atoms,maxBunchSize,qlmpStars,qlmp) &
     306         696 :     !$OMP private(l,m,temp,iTempArray)
     307             :     DO n = 1, atoms%ntype
     308             :        DO l = 0, atoms%lmax(n)
     309             :           DO m = -l, l
     310             :              temp = CMPLX(0.0,0.0)
     311             :              DO iTempArray = 1, maxBunchSize
     312             :                 temp = temp + qlmpStars(m,l,n,iTempArray)
     313             :              END DO
     314             :              qlmp(m,l,n) = temp
     315             :           END DO
     316             :        END DO
     317             :     END DO
     318             :     !$OMP END PARALLEL DO
     319             : 
     320         696 :     if ( fmpi%irank == 0 .AND. .NOT. l_dfptvgen) then
     321             :       ! q=0 term: see (A19) (Coulomb case) or (A20) (Yukawa case)
     322         975 :       do n = 1, atoms%ntype
     323         975 :         if ( potdenType /= POTDEN_TYPE_POTYUK ) then
     324         612 :           qlmp(0,0,n) = qlmp(0,0,n) + qpw(1) * stars%nstr(1) * atoms%volmts(n) / sfp_const
     325             :         else
     326          15 :           call ModSphBessel( il(0:1), kl(0:1), input%preconditioning_param * atoms%rmt(n), 1 )
     327          15 :           qlmp(0,0,n) = qlmp(0,0,n) + qpw(1) * stars%nstr(1) * sfp_const * atoms%rmt(n) ** 2 * il(1) / input%preconditioning_param
     328             :         end if
     329             :       end do
     330             :     end if
     331             : 
     332         696 :     CALL mpi_sum_reduce(qlmp, qlmp_out, fmpi%mpi_comm)
     333             : 
     334        1392 :   end subroutine pw_moments
     335             : 
     336           0 :    SUBROUTINE dfpt_mt_moments_SF(atoms, sym, sphhar, iDtype, iDir, rho0, qlmo)
     337             :       USE m_types
     338             :       USE m_gaunt, only : Gaunt1
     339             :       USE m_constants
     340             : 
     341             :       IMPLICIT NONE
     342             : 
     343             :       TYPE(t_atoms),  INTENT(IN)    :: atoms
     344             :       TYPE(t_sym),    INTENT(IN)    :: sym
     345             :       TYPE(t_sphhar), INTENT(IN)    :: sphhar
     346             :       INTEGER,        INTENT(IN)    :: iDtype, iDir
     347             :       REAL,           INTENT(IN)    :: rho0(:, 0:, :)
     348             :       COMPLEX,        INTENT(INOUT) :: qlmo(-atoms%lmaxd:,0:, :)
     349             : 
     350             :       INTEGER :: mb, n, nat, nl, ns, jm, l, lp, m, mp, mVec, pref
     351             :       REAL    :: fint, gauntFactor
     352             : 
     353           0 :       pref = -1
     354             : 
     355           0 :       IF (iDtype.NE.0) THEN
     356           0 :          nat = iDtype
     357           0 :          pref = 1
     358             :       END IF
     359             : 
     360           0 :       DO n = MERGE(1,iDtype,iDtype.EQ.0), MERGE(atoms%ntype,iDtype,iDtype.EQ.0)
     361           0 :          nat = atoms%firstAtom(n)
     362           0 :          ns = sym%ntypsy(nat)
     363           0 :          jm = atoms%jri(n)
     364           0 :          DO nl = 0, sphhar%nlh(ns)
     365           0 :             lp = sphhar%llh(nl,ns)
     366           0 :             DO l = MERGE(1, lp - 1, lp.EQ.0), MERGE(1, lp + 1, lp.EQ.0), 2 ! Gaunt selection
     367           0 :                IF (l.GT.atoms%lmax(n)) CYCLE
     368           0 :                fint = atoms%rmt(n)**l * rho0(jm,nl,n)
     369           0 :                DO mb = 1, sphhar%nmem(nl,ns)
     370           0 :                   mp = sphhar%mlh(mb,nl,ns)
     371           0 :                   DO mVec = -1, 1
     372           0 :                      m = mVec + mp ! Gaunt selection
     373           0 :                      IF (ABS(m).GT.l) CYCLE
     374           0 :                      gauntFactor = Gaunt1(l, 1, lp, m, mVec, mp, atoms%lmax(n))
     375             :                      qlmo(m, l, n) = qlmo(m, l, n) + c_im(iDir, mVec + 2) * gauntFactor * &
     376           0 :                                                    & sphhar%clnu(mb,nl,ns) * fint * pref
     377             :                   END DO ! mVec
     378             :                END DO ! mb
     379             :             END DO ! l
     380             :          END DO ! nl
     381             :       END DO ! n
     382             : 
     383           0 :    END SUBROUTINE dfpt_mt_moments_SF
     384             : 
     385           0 :    SUBROUTINE dfpt_pw_moments_SF( fmpi, stars, atoms, cell, sym, iDtype, iDir, qpw_in, qlmp_SF )
     386             : 
     387             :       use m_mpi_bc_tool
     388             :       use m_mpi_reduce_tool
     389             :       use m_phasy1
     390             :       use m_sphbes
     391             :       use m_constants
     392             :       use m_types
     393             :       USE m_gaunt, only : Gaunt1
     394             : 
     395             :       implicit none
     396             : 
     397             :       type(t_mpi),      intent(in)   :: fmpi
     398             :       type(t_sym),      intent(in)   :: sym
     399             :       type(t_stars),    intent(in)   :: stars
     400             :       type(t_cell),     intent(in)   :: cell
     401             :       type(t_atoms),    intent(in)   :: atoms
     402             :       INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)    :: iDtype, iDir
     403             :       complex,          intent(in)   :: qpw_in(:)
     404             :       complex,          intent(out)  :: qlmp_SF(-atoms%lmaxd:,0:,:)
     405             : 
     406             :       integer                        :: n, k, l, ll1p, lmp, ierr, m, lp, mp, mVec, pref
     407             :       complex                        :: cil, nqpw
     408           0 :       complex                        :: pylm(( maxval( atoms%lmax ) + 1 ) ** 2, atoms%ntype)
     409             :       real                           :: sk3r, rl2
     410           0 :       real                           :: aj(0:maxval( atoms%lmax ) + 1 )
     411           0 :       complex, ALLOCATABLE           :: qpw(:)
     412           0 :       complex                        :: qlmp(-atoms%lmaxd:atoms%lmaxd,0:atoms%lmaxd,atoms%ntype)
     413             : 
     414             : !      TYPE(t_atoms), INTENT(IN)    :: atoms
     415             : !      TYPE(t_cell),  INTENT(IN)    :: cell
     416             : !      INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)    :: ngdp
     417             : 
     418             : !      INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)    :: gdp(:, :)
     419             : !      COMPLEX,       INTENT(IN)    :: rho0IRpw(:)
     420             : !      COMPLEX,       INTENT(INOUT) :: qlmp(:, :,:)
     421             : 
     422             : !      INTEGER :: iG, l, m, lp, mp, m2p, lm, lmp, iDir
     423             : !      COMPLEX :: pref, phaseFac, temp1, temp2, temp3
     424             :       REAL    :: gauntFactor
     425             : 
     426           0 :       ALLOCATE (qpw(stars%ng3))
     427           0 :       qpw = qpw_in(:stars%ng3)
     428           0 :       qlmp = 0.0
     429             : 
     430           0 :       pref = -1
     431           0 :       IF (iDtype.NE.0) pref = 1
     432             : 
     433           0 :       if ( fmpi%irank == 0 ) then
     434           0 :          do n = MERGE(1,iDtype,iDtype.EQ.0), MERGE(atoms%ntype,iDtype,iDtype.EQ.0)
     435           0 :             DO mVec = -1, 1
     436           0 :                qlmp(mVec,1,n) = pref * c_im(iDir, mVec + 2) * qpw(1) * stars%nstr(1) * atoms%rmt(n)**3
     437             :             END DO
     438             :          end do
     439             :       end if
     440             : 
     441           0 :       call mpi_bc(qpw,0,fmpi%mpi_comm)
     442             : 
     443           0 :       do k = fmpi%irank+2, stars%ng3, fmpi%isize
     444           0 :          call phasy1( atoms, stars, sym, cell, k, pylm )
     445             : 
     446           0 :          nqpw = qpw(k) * stars%nstr(k)
     447             : 
     448           0 :          do n = MERGE(1,iDtype,iDtype.EQ.0), MERGE(atoms%ntype,iDtype,iDtype.EQ.0)
     449             : 
     450           0 :             sk3r = stars%sk3(k) * atoms%rmt(n)
     451           0 :             call sphbes( atoms%lmax(n), sk3r, aj )
     452           0 :             rl2 = atoms%rmt(n) ** 2
     453             : 
     454           0 :             DO lp = 0, atoms%lmax(n)
     455           0 :                cil = aj(lp) * nqpw * rl2
     456           0 :                ll1p = lp * ( lp + 1 ) + 1
     457           0 :                DO l = MERGE(1, lp - 1, lp.EQ.0), MERGE(1, lp + 1, lp.EQ.0), 2 ! Gaunt selection
     458           0 :                   IF (l.GT.atoms%lmax(n)) CYCLE
     459           0 :                   DO mp = -lp, lp
     460           0 :                      lmp = ll1p + mp
     461           0 :                      DO mVec = -1, 1
     462           0 :                         m = mVec + mp ! Gaunt selection
     463           0 :                         IF (ABS(m).GT.l) CYCLE
     464           0 :                         gauntFactor = Gaunt1(l, 1, lp, m, mVec, mp, atoms%lmax(n))
     465             :                         qlmp(m,l,n) = qlmp(m,l,n) + c_im(iDir, mVec + 2) * gauntFactor * &
     466           0 :                                                   & cil * atoms%rmt(n)**l * pylm(lmp,n) * pref
     467             :                      END DO ! mVec
     468             :                   END DO ! mp
     469             :                END DO ! l
     470             :             END DO ! lp
     471             :          END DO ! n = 1, atoms%ntype
     472             :       END DO ! k = 2, stars%ng3
     473             : 
     474           0 :       CALL mpi_sum_reduce(qlmp, qlmp_SF, fmpi%mpi_comm)
     475             : 
     476             : !      pref = fpi_const * atoms%rmt(iDtype) * atoms%rmt(iDtype)
     477             : !      DO iG = 1, ngdp
     478             : !          gext = matmul(cell%bmat, real(gdp(:, iG)))
     479             : !          gnorm = norm2(gExt)
     480             : 
     481             : !          call ylm4( atoms%lmax(iDtype), gExt(1:3), ylm )
     482             : !          call sphbes(atoms%lmax(iDtype), gnorm * atoms%rmt(iDtype), sbes)
     483             : 
     484             : !          phaseFac = exp( ImagUnit * tpi_const * dot_product(gdp(:, iG), atoms%taual(:, iDatom)))
     485             : 
     486             : !          DO l = 0, atoms%lmax(iDtype)
     487             : !             temp1 = pref * phaseFac * atoms%rmt(iDtype)**l * rho0IRpw(iG)
     488             : !             DO m = -l, l
     489             : !                  lm = l * (l + 1) + m + 1
     490             : !                  DO lp = 0, atoms%lmax(iDtype)
     491             : !                      temp2 = temp1 * sbes(lp) * ImagUnit**lp
     492             : !                      DO mp = -lp, lp
     493             : !                          lmp = lp * (lp + 1) + mp + 1
     494             : !                          temp3 = temp2 * conjg(ylm(lmp))
     495             : !                          DO m2p = -1, 1
     496             : !                              gauntFactor = Gaunt1( l, lp, 1, m, mp, m2p, atoms%lmax(iDtype))
     497             : !                              DO iDir = 1, 3
     498             : !                                  qlmp(lm, iDatom, iDir) = qlmp(lm, iDatom, iDir) + c_im(iDir, m2p + 2) * gauntFactor * temp3
     499             : !                              END DO ! iDir
     500             : !                          END DO ! m2p
     501             : !                      END DO ! mp
     502             : !                  END DO ! lp
     503             : !             END DO ! m
     504             : !          END DO ! l
     505             : !      END DO ! iG
     506             : 
     507           0 :    END SUBROUTINE dfpt_pw_moments_SF
     508             : 
     509             : end module m_mpmom

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